2020/12/16 11:16 SERVICE
Wenjiang Promotes Aid to Tibetan Areas on Rule of Law
Wenjiang district of Chengdu city is promoting aid to Tibetan areas in Sichuan province, strengthening education in the to create a good atmosphere for a law-abiding society.
Gifts Based on Universal Benefits
The leadership group on aid to Tibetan areas and a team from Wenjiang Justice Bureau sent over 5,000 gifts to Sertar county, including rule of law pencil cases, T-shirts, readers and hats.
Youth Comic about Law (bilingual edition) features 75 cartoons with bilingual Chinese-Tibetan translations and provides a clear explanation of legal matters that adolescents should be aware of.
Wenjiang Justice Bureau carried out three diagnostic tests to determine the needs of people in Tibetan areas.
At the same time, rule of law robots provided smart answers to legal questions based on the results of the three diagnostic tests, and helped to create legal stories, animations and microfilms to make the legal lessons more interesting for residents.
Multiple Participation of Social Forces
Wenjiang Justice Bureau introduced rule of law experience museums such as courts and banks, which can clearly explain legal matters and the legal spirit adopted in various occupations.
(Source: China Daily)
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